108 N DAVIS, CLOVIS NM 88101 OFFICE: 575-763-4445 FAX: 575-763-0261 OLGCLOVIS@YAHOO.COM
Grades K-7
We offer catechism classes to all of our parishioners for children in grades Kindergarten through Grade 7. Classes are offered Tuesday and Wednesday nights from 6-7:30pm in the parish school building. Registration dates and times are announced at Mass, in the bulletin, and on our website home page. First Confession and First Holy Communion are done in the same year. It is a two year program starting second grade. The children in need of those sacraments normally receive them in third grade. No more catechism registrations will be taken after July 31
Confirmation Anyone in high school (Grades 8-12) who has not yet received their sacrament of Confirmation needs to register for classes this year. It is a two year program. If they are seniors and have not previously taken the first year of the program, a plan will need to be made so they can make up much of the work they have missed. Registration dates and times are announced at Mass, in the bulletin, and on our website home page. Classes will begin in September and is preceded by a student/parent meeting in the Parish Hall in Clovis. No more Confirmation registrations will be taken after the July 31
OLG Youth Group
Any young adult in grades 8-12 can register for youth group so that they can continue to learn their faith, build strong relationships with other fellow Christians of our parish, and become better disciples of Jesus Christ. We have a wonderful and engaging program sure to help the youth on the journey and adventure of faith. OLG Youth Group will begin in August. It will be on Sunday from 2-4 in the Church basement.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & San Jose Mission Church