108 N DAVIS, CLOVIS NM 88101 OFFICE: 575-763-4445 FAX: 575-763-0261 OLGCLOVIS@YAHOO.COM
In the bible we read that the Eucharist was instituted at the Last Supper. The God of the universe spoke His powerful Word in the beginning to create from nothing, saying, "'Let there be light,' and there was light." (Gen 1:3) The same God whose Word is so powerful to create from nothing what did not exist is no less able to change one thing into another, bread into His body and wine into His blood, at the utterance of His all-powerful Word. Since Jesus previously said His body and blood must be eaten in order to live forever, at the Last Supper Jesus showed how this was to happen. Taking bread, Jesus spoke over it saying, "This is my body... Do this in remembrance of me." Similarly, Jesus pronounced words over the wine in which He called it "the new covenant in my blood." (Lk 22:19,20)
A "new covenant" was established by the Lord Jesus, Almighty God, which He expected them to live and keep, commanding them to do it, saying, "Do this..." Gathering most especially on the Lord's Day (Sunday) and other days particularly sacred to the Lord (Holy Days), we Christians have faithfully kept this covenant with God to this day, and will do so until He comes again. There is no better or more sacred way to keep the Lord's Day holy, as we must, than to celebrate this covenant.
The Eucharist is called Holy Communion because through this sacrament one is most perfectly united to the living God. The word communion means "union with." The union of the faithful with God in the Eucharist is reserved to those who first unite themselves to Him in faith. Faith is necessary, and so Holy Communion is reserved to those who are Catholic and profess the Catholic Christian faith as true in its entirety. If we do not believe the Catholic Faith, we cannot receive Holy Communion because we are not in union with God and the truths He has revealed.
Therefore, sufficient knowledge and the use of reason is a general requirement for one to receive Holy Communion. Children are typically instructed for at least two years and prepared to receive Holy Communion for the first time in 3rd grade. Adults who have never made their First Holy Communion must also go through a process of instruction and preparation.
In addition to faith which unites us to God, we need to be in a state of grace. If we have a mortal sin on our conscience that we have not confessed and had forgiven in the sacrament of Confession, we cannot receive Holy Communion because mortal sin breaks our union with God and His Church. We fall out of a state of grace when we commit a mortal sin. First we must be forgiven in Confession, which reconciles us, restoring us to a state of grace, bringing us into union with God and His Church once again, and enabling us to receive worthily the Lord God in Holy Communion.
The Catechism of the Catholic Church states, "Anyone who desires to receive Christ in the Eucharist must be in a state of grace. Anyone aware of having sinned mortally must not receive communion without having received absolution in the sacrament of penance (Confession)." (CCC 1415) It is also a precept of the Church that we should receive Holy Communion at least once a year during the Easter Season.
...he who eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life... (Jn 6:54a)
...THIS IS MY BODY...THIS IS MY BLOOD. (Mt 26:26,28)
...DO THIS... (Lk 22:19)
Please call the office for more information.
Office: 575-763-4445
What certificates do I need? What about sponsors? Can we receive First Holy Communion in another parish?
Sunday Obligation Masses
Saturday: 5pm (English)
Sunday: 8am (Spanish)
10am (English)
12pm (Spanish at San Jose in Texico)
Monday/Lunes: 7am
Tuesday/Martes: 5:30pm
Wednesday/Miércoles: 5:30pm
Thursday/Jueves: 5:30pm (San Jose in Texico in Spanish)
Friday/Viernes: 7am
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & San Jose Mission Church