108 N DAVIS, CLOVIS NM 88101 OFFICE: 575-763-4445 FAX: 575-763-0261 OLGCLOVIS@YAHOO.COM
The healing that occurs in this sacrament of anointing is not necessarily physical healing. The sacrament is given for spiritual healing and grace is given to the recipient so that they may find strength, peace and courage that are needed in the face of serious illness or the frailty of old age. (CCC 1520) In old age and serious infirmity one can easily find their souls sick or weak, easily discouraged, downcast, despairing, and in need of spiritual healing. This sacrament helps us against these temptations of the evil one.
In the bible, James also indicates that this sacrament brings "forgiveness of sins." This has been understood as forgiveness of venial sins, since the Sacrament of Confession is the ordinary way in which our mortal sins are forgiven. There is no doubt that physical healing can arise through this sacrament, as has happened many times, but physical healing is not the primary purpose of this sacrament.
Do not wait until the moment of death or until somebody has died to request this sacrament. Sacraments are for the living and are no longer helpful to those who have died. In an emergency, try to call a Catholic priest, any Catholic priest, as soon as possible.
Please call the office to make an appointment for this sacrament.
Office: 575-763-4445
For emergencies outside of office business hours (M-F 8am-5pm) call 575-366-4150.
During business hours call the office.
Our Lady of Guadalupe Parish & San Jose Mission Church